MyMedicare registration now available!

What is MyMedicare?

MyMedicare is a voluntary patient registration system that aims to formalise the relationship between patients, their general practice, general practitioner (GP) and primary care teams.

Seeing your GP regularly and formalising the relationship you have with your GP and general practice through MyMedicare can lead to better health outcomes.

By registering as a patient of your chosen general practice and selecting a preferred GP, additional funding will be available from the government to assist your primary care team to deliver the care you need.

It is voluntary and free to register in MyMedicare.

To nominate North Brighton Medical as your GP clinic, you simply need a Medicare card (or a DVA card), and you must have been to the clinic at least twice in the past 24 months.

Learn more in the Registering in MyMedicare factsheet.

Benefits of registering for MyMedicare

By registering in MyMedicare, you may benefit from:

  • A formalised relationship with your general practice or GP, which has shown to improve health outcomes.

  • Longer Medicare Benefit Scheme (MBS) funded telehealth consultations with your GP.

  • Incentive for longer telehealth consultations for children under 16 and Commonwealth Card Concession card holders, from 1 November 2023.

  • More regular visits from your GP and better care planning for people living in a residential aged care home, from August 2024.

  • Connections to more appropriate care in general practice for people who visit hospital frequently, from mid-2024.

Longer funded telehealth consultations may be particularly beneficial for people seeking assistance with their mental health, people with disability, older Australians and people in rural or remote Australia.

Further registration benefits for patients will continue to be added as part of the Australian Government’s commitment to strengthening Medicare. If you choose not to register in MyMedicare, you’ll generally still be able to access the same quality of care from your healthcare providers.

However, at some point our clinic may introduce some additional benefits that only apply to our regular patients as evidenced by their MyMedicare registration with us.

Find out more at

How to register

The easiest way to register is using the existing Express Plus Medicare mobile app (assuming you already have it set up on your smart phone).

Simply open the ap, log in, and scroll to the bottom to select “MyMedicare”. Then, follow the prompts to search for our clinic, choose your preferred GP, and submit your registration. The whole process should only take about 2 minutes!

If you don’t have the app, you can:

  • Complete an online form - however, we ask that you please only do this if you’ve unsuccesfully tried to register via the app, as it will actually take you longer than using the app, and it requires us spend a similar amount of time manually enter your details into MyMedicare.

  • Complete a paper form and email it or drop it back to us at reception if you can’t complete the onine form.

Download the MyMedicare app


MyMedicare is a registration system and won’t hold any of your clinical health information. Your clinical health information will continue to be stored in your My Health Record, if you have one. All personal information recorded in MyMedicare, including your chosen healthcare providers, will be kept secure and your privacy will be maintained.

You can read the MyMedicare Privacy Notice for further information.